Coquelicot Gilland

Coquelicot (“co-cle-co”) Gilland is a Personal Coach and Life Skills Trainer, Bodynamic Analyst, Bodynamic Foundation and Skills Trainer, Somatic and Presencing Skills Trainer, Restorative Touchworker and Certified Massage Therapist, Yoga Mentor, Pastoral Counselor, and Minister with the Association for the Integration of the Whole Person (AIWP). She is the originator of the Compassion Matrix System. Her work has evolved through more than 30 years of experience and a deep commitment to personal and professional growth.

Coquelicot is warm, sensitive, intuitive and direct. Her presence is calming and has a settling effect on others. Her work simplifies complex problems and reframes how you will look at things. You will feel stronger and more confident, more compassionate, and learn skills that provide more opportunities for win-win solutions. You will feel more normal, less isolated and more skillful.

She is an advocate for personal growth, inner authority, and mutual connection, serving as both student and teacher. She acts as catalyst and facilitator for the development of inner strength and wholeness. She believes what most of us see as flaws, defects or problems in our character are simply skills we missed learning as children. She has an instinctive ability to listen deeply for what is unspoken, and focuses on co-creative exploration in an environment free of judgment and shame.

As a life-long student of the interrelationship between spiritual, psychological, and somatic development, she uses dialogue, inquiry, body sensing, movement, and precision restorative touch work. She encourages you to let go of old behaviors and body patterns, making room for more congruence Attending through these various “listening posts”, she also facilitates the release of shock and trauma from the “habit body.”

Coquelicot is the originator of The Compassion Matrix™, a personal synthesis of her over 25 years of somatic and psychological training. It is a meta-system for mastering embodied learning in any discipline.

Sessions with Coquelicot apply these and other approaches to collaboratively re-pattern, support, and guide those actively seeking a greater sense of freedom and wholeness. This enables each individual to make positive changes in their lives more effortlessly and authentically. Areas of mutual cooperative growth include: recovering from shock and trauma, reclaiming old and building new life skills, handling life transitions, supporting creativity and artistic expression, and building body awareness — which in time will result in carrying yourself differently.

Coquelicot Gilland is not an MFT, MSW, psychologist, or psychiatrist. She is a personal coach, life skills trainer, restorative touch worker and a pastoral counselor. She holds her ministerial accreditation with the Association for the Integration of the Whole Person, a nondenominational organization.

She offers personal sessions, professional supervision, public and professional trainings and educational events in Grass Valley/Nevada City and Berkeley, California, as well as globally through Skype, teleconferencing and tele-seminars.
She has been actively practicing in the field of spiritually based, body-oriented, life coaching/developmental counseling and restorative touch work for 25 years. Her training in somatic systems extends back more than 30 years, and includes:

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