
Coquelicot Gilland

ABLE is a unique and lovely intersection between evolutionary spiritual prayer healing and science. As a non intrusive and gentle modality, many people I know find it very effective. I have found the ABLE field filled with grace and supportive of enhanced emotional harmony and personal alignment. My experience has been both subtle and profound and I have sensed more strength and equanimity in both my internal and external world. I believe ABLE has the capacity to support more stability, centeredness and groundedness, deepening our momentum towards embodied and authentic self expression. This system is the purest ego-less field, of this nature, that I have personally experienced. It seems to help dissolve and digest outmoded ways of being, that no longer serve us, gently bringing us closer to SOURCE.



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The mission of Association for Balancing Life Energy (ABLE) is to support conscious evolution by sending prayers and positive intent to individuals, collectives, and the planet. We employ spiritual and scientific principles for the purpose of generating full-spectrum energy re-balancing, and supporting the natural inclination toward wellness and wholeness. Many people use ABLE to augment the spiritual practices they already enjoy. You may find our information and practices useful, regardless of whether or not you join ABLE.We believe these tenets and practices listed below are a product of both Divine revelation and scientific exploration. We encourage members to explore how the following tenets are relevant in their own lives, and to make independent judgments as to their usefulness.

Tenets :-

  • Science and spirituality are two interrelated approaches to the same great mystery.
  • Life is more than physical matter; it has metaphysical energy attributes.
  • We respect and honor life in all its forms.
  • The experience of total well-being can be amplified through the power of prayer and positive intention.
  • Every aspect of an individual’s energy can be affected by changes in their external or internal environment.
  • The potential for change is dependent on both the energy being transmitted, and the availability of the receiver.

Practices :-

  • We treat every part of our work as sacred and with pure intention.
  • We support each member in his or her spiritual evolution in alignment with highest good.
  • We honor the recipient by sending prayer from a state that is open to infinite possibilities, and emotionally neutral with respect to the outcome.
  • We use prayer and conscious, loving intention to send energy to those who choose to be receptive.
  • We employ a prayer wheel technology as a religious object in our spiritual practice.
  • As part of our religious sacrament, we use a energetic representative (i.e. witness) provided by the member.
  • Progress through the ABLE Pathway is variable, and dependent on the quality of both the prayer transmission, and member’s receptivity. Due to the great variability in members, we cannot provide any guarantees or predictions regarding the outcome of results from participating in the ABLE Program.
  • Faith, openness, affirmations, and visualization practiced by the receiver may increase the benefits of the prayer transmitted.
The Association for the Balancing of Life Energy (ABLE) offers you a prayer transmission service designed to re-balance and harmonize your complete energy system. There are two components to our offering. First, prayer and positive intent are sent to you with a prayer wheel system designed to assist you in re-balancing your whole energy field, and restoring its natural resonance. Second, a simple spiritual practice that can support you in increasing your receptivity to the prayer transmission. The practice takes less than one minute per day. Our premise is that your Higher Self, an aspect of the Divine that holds the awareness of your experience over lifetimes, is able to select precisely from the pallet of energies being transmitted so that you receive exactly what supports your highest good at any point in your evolution.

For those members of ABLE desiring additional support, Coquelicot (“co-cle-co”) Gilland is a highly skilled personal growth facilitator. Her approach recognizes the interrelation of mind, emotion, and body. Working with the body can often be a powerful catalyst to resolving emotional or mental blocks. She is deeply experienced. Check out her personal coaching / counseling services at – Body Dynamics.and Interfaith Interface of A.I.W.P.

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